Tea Obituaries

Potter D. Ragon (2007 – 2013)

Tea Obituaries

Relative of Cel A. Don , Potter D. Ragon was a portly man, known for his robust carriage and gentle nature. He spent most of his life as a farmer. During the recent economic downturn he earned a living picking lemons and other fruits at the local fruit orchard. He was fond of taking fruit home from work in the evenings and brewing hot drinks with his children.

Potter was recently admitted to the hospital with a severe belly leakage. The doctor informed him that the surgery for his repair would not be covered by medical insurance. A man of humble means, Potter decided that he would let nature take its course rather than bankrupt his family with surgery bills. His current employer at the fruit orchard, Mr.Stingely, decided it was best not to get involved, considering Potter’s replacement would only cost around $20.  Mr.Stingely could not be reached for comment.

Potter D. Ragon is survived by two sons.

If you have a tragedy in the teaware family, please contact the editor.

Tea Obituary
A photo from Potter’s ceremony

Cel A. Don (2008-2012)

broken gaiwan
R.I.P. Mr.Don

Cel A. Don or “Gai”, as he was known amongst close friends, was born in 2008 in Southwestern Zhejiang province. Shortly after birth, he joined the green berets and was shipped off to active duty. He served three years as a lid and won several national awards; most notably for covering civilian leaves who were under hostile fire. Mr. Don passed away in a tragic cleaning accident early Sunday morning, when he collided with the floor. After being rushed to a local hospital, he was pronounced chipped at 9:34 A.M. He had one day left until retirement.

There will be a small service held in the comments section, where friends and relatives can pay their respects.

Mr.Don is survived by his wife, Wan.

Tea blog gaiwan
“Gai” (top) making out with his wife Wan (bottom) prior to the accident – August 2012